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Saturday, September 1, 2012

its okay to wander

I may not know where I'm going in life, but I don't see that I need to. I can take everything a day at a time and just watch my life unfold. It does not mean that I don't have dreams and goals, I do, but I can be open to other things. And life does not always go the way you plan. I'm excited to start this new semester and a new chapter in my life. I'm living in my own little apartment. I was elected to sit on Student Association. I did not get hired back at the job I had last year due to budget cuts; but now I have an opportunity to pursue something new. I plan on writing for the school newspaper again this semester. My summer was very uneventful. I could not find a job(will ANY business other than a pool hire someone for just the summer?!!) and took one class. My summer was big full of nothing. In some ways it was nice though, the college student lifestyle can lead to burnout. In the spring semester I took several hard classes, worked 6-10 hours a week in the financial aid office, had a little side job as a personal aide, and had trouble balancing everything. I was always in class, doing homework, at work, meeting with tutors, meeting for group projects, in a meeting, finding something somewhat substantial and gluten free to eat, and occasionally getting sleep.