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Saturday, January 1, 2011

100 Things I Did in 2010


1. Crystal straightened my hair and I thought it would look good with darker highlights…but I have yet to do that.

2. I had to start taking pills before eating dairy products…yay.

3. I started writing editorials.

4. I lived with two amazing girls, Brenda Romo and Marisol Miron. I didn’t know them very well at first but now they’re like my family =).

5. One night during finals I took a break from studying and me and Mari chased each other out of our room to the lounge and had a swordfight with our belts.

6. I went on Jenny Craig diet. It took ten pounds away from me and kept it.

7. I tutored people in Chicago to get ready for the citizenship test.

8. I saw Avatar in 3-D at the IMAX at Navy Pier.

9. I got diagnosed with celiac disease. Now I have to eat gluten free products and I’m one of those people that scrutinize food labels and need their stuff prepared in a separate dish.

10. I got a 92% on a speech. And I’m horrible at public speaking.

11. I visited the nice little town of Plano, IL several times and have no need to go there again.

12. I’ve learned to like vanilla almond milk.

13. I got my dog an ID tag for his collar, he probably hasn’t had one for five years and it’s a miracle that he hasn’t run off.

14. I went on an Eastern Caribbean cruise to Antigua, British & US Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico.

15. I went snorkeling on the St. Thomas Island.

16. I got a manicure and a pedicure.

17. I learned that it feels weird to work out on a moving ship.

18. I declared a major in social work. And I’m way more passionate about that then I was with special education.

19. The faithful Wal Mart bike I’d had since second grade got stolen the last week of school since I never bothered to lock it. It was a piece of crap but it was like a constant in my life. But I have a bike that actually works now.

20. I had a job in maintenance that I had to wake up at 6:50 am two days a week for. That lasted for one semester.

21. But now I’m getting paid to writeJ.

22. I heard “Teenage Dream” read aloud in a scholarly voice like a poem by the old professor and an analysis of its theme. I can never listen to that song the same.

23. I hung out in the ARCC with Monica Brands and learned how to paint.

24. I probably wrote at least 40 papers.

25. I learned the art of all nighters; whether for fun or to write a paper.

26. I got to see and clean back rooms around the school that are usually locked.

27. I tie dyed two shirts with Brenda.

28. I carved a pumpkin.

29. I TPed and streamered Mari’s room on her birthday.

30. I went ice skating at Millennium Park.

31. I fed homeless people in Chicago.

32. I rode a CTA bus for the first time.

33. I went to Nonna’s in my dress, fake uggs, and northface after formal.

34. I saw Blindside, an amazing movie.

35. I observed people on Michigan Avenue and on the L for a sociology project.

36. I probably got blood drawn at least 5 times between donations and tests. But I only fainted once.

37. I participated in a 30 hour famine; abstaining from food & facebook.

38. I’m learning how to deal with failure.

39. I had a pillow fight in the dorm lounge.

40. I got through a chemistry course with a prof that barely spoke English. I had to read the book over and over again and teach myself.

41. I mopped locker room showers.

42. I filled out numerous job applications.

43. I met Meg Cabot in downtown Naperville with Kelly.

44. I learned how to navigate public transportation in Chicago.

45. I jousted in a shopping cart.

46. I went to the Holocaust museum.

47. I started to enjoy some country music.

48. I tried to give up chocolate for Lent and I made it a little over half way through.

49. I broke my online shopping virginity…buying textbooks on Amazon. That’s the only online shopping I’ll do.

50. I started Wii Fit workouts.

51. I wheeled around a campus in a manual wheelchair for my social work class.

52. I started taking Spanish again after a four year break.

53. I was a guest host for admissions.

54. I went to a glow stick dance.

55. I went down a carnival slide and played inflatable games.

56. I hung in out in the children’s section of the library with Kelly and we relived our childhoods.

57. I played in a playground at a Palos elementary school with Yesenia.

58. I was in a flour fight.

59. I went to a roller rink.

60. It was the first year I sat in my room and did homework like all day on Halloween.

61. I voted in my first election.

62. I started a blog.

63. I’m learning how to knit.

64. I let my brain hurt through a semester of philosophy. And I’m doing it again next semester.

65. I learned to be more open minded about other people’s views and lifestyles and to see things from different people’s perspectives.

66. I had my first and only gas station taco.

67. I had 10 minute conservation with a Catholic priest about differences with Protestantism.

68. I went to a root beer kegger.

69. I visited a monastery with Monica and went to an interesting prayer service there.

70. I keep learning that I need to stop second guessing myself on quizzes…but I need to apply that knowledge on future quizzes.

71. I got kicked out of the library several times when I stayed there until it closed. That’s like an ultimate nerd alert.

72. I almost got the point of being able to do APA citations in my sleep.

73. I learned about the importance of good communication skills.

74. I stargazed in the baseball field and listened to Christine tell Greek mythology stories about the stars.

75. I packed school supply kits with children in Haiti with special needs kids at Elim.

76. I contributed to making a 6 ft tall Christmas tree from empty pop cans.

77. I slept through the second Illinois earthquake of my life.

78. I got a George Foreman grill.

79. I went to a speakeasy party and a medieval faire put on the by the history club.

80. I want to a task force meeting on ways to improve pedestrian and biking safety in Palos Heights.

81. I donated blood twice. Another time I got deferred for lack of iron.

82. I made of a bucket list of 100 things I want to do before I die. So far I’ve done like five of them.

83. I played live mafia.

84. I played heads up seven up for the first time since elementary school. I played it for the first time using Spanish words.

85. I had many philosophical discussions with different people.

86. I jumped in the leaves.

87. I took the Meyers Brigg personality test several times like I’ve been doing since my sophomore year of high school. I also get INFP but one time this year I got INFJ.

88. Whole Foods became my BFF.

89. I saw 3 gospel choir performances.

90. I got my first henna tattoo.

91. I played apples to apples

92. I made paper snowflakes.

93. I crossed 59 with Kiley like we did all the time the summer of ’09.

94. I got contacts.

95. I went cosmic bowling twice.

96. I stayed up til 2 am with Crystal watching movies one night.

97. I played in the snow.

98. I’ve done things I never I thought I’d do having faith it will work out.

99. I became more self confident.

100. I was ready for a fresh start in 2011.

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